Social Media Warning Labels?

Note: This article was cross-posted from This Week in Public Health Social media has become an integral part of our lives, especially for adolescents. They scroll through Instagram, share TikTok… Read More

Why Do Low Performers Overestimate?

Understanding how well students can assess their own academic performance is a fascinating area of study, especially for those who perform poorly. This phenomenon, often attributed to the Dunning-Kruger effect,… Read More

Empowering Teens’ Career Choices

Choosing a high school major is a significant milestone for adolescents, marking their first steps toward a future career. However, these decisions often align with gender stereotypes, where boys tend… Read More

AI Support for Student Mental Health

Understanding the mental health of students has always been a complex challenge, especially in the rapidly changing social and economic landscape. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there is… Read More